Becky Jerams

Songwriter. Singer. Author.

Filtering by Tag: Song

Get To Heaven - Out Now!

My new country track "Get To Heaven" is out now on all major streaming platforms - please do give it a listen (or even a cheeky little share if you're feeling generous!)

This is a song about regret. It was actually based on the father character in one of my YA novels - a one hit wonder who is clinging to past glories and messing up his relationship with his teenage daughter in the process. But also, I guess it's more than a character in a book. It's reflective of this period of my life in general. Getting older, feeling a little wistful, a little lost and like time is simply passing too quickly.

I hope people will connect with it and that if you're also feeling this way, it makes you a little less alone with those feelings.

Thank you so much to Mayfield Records for helping to bring this track to life for me - I can’t wait to hear what people think!

"Second First Impression" Lyric Teaser

The first lyric teaser for The Songs You’ve Never Heard is now online!

Check out the snippet from Second First Impression below:

It has been so enjoyable to perform as our leading lady Meg, and this unrequited love song plays a huge part in the story. More teasers on the way very soon, can’t wait to share the whole album!

Sazzie releases "2021" Demo

Hey everyone, happy new year!

It’s certainly been a strange old time lately what with Covid and Lockdown 3.0… I hope you are all holding up OK. I feel like last year was a bit of a write-off due to the dire circumstances and I didn’t have much news to report as the majority of projects I have been working on have had to be paused indefinitely!

Although it’s been a tough start to the year, I’m hoping things will pick up again soon and that I’ll have lots more to write about on this news page! And what better way to kick off than by sharing a brand new demo written with my bestie Sazzie.

At the end of last year, she came to me with an amazing idea called “2021”, all about the frustrations of lockdown life and wanting to leave behind restrictions and head into the future. I loved the concept, it feels like it really captures a moment in time and it was great to work on it with her. We are excited to have our friend Jussi on board for production too. In the meantime, check out the demo version on Soundcloud:

Demoooooooo WIP WIP WIP - send me an email if you want the mp3 I remember making plans I remember touching hands I wish I'd known that I was free Now it's just myself and me I wanna flip the calendar over Start the rest of my life In 2021 I wanna have some fun Don't wanna stay in the house no more Just wanna dance with my friends on the floor It's 2021 The party's just Got 2020 to make up for I'm gonna live like never before Time's been moving fast then slow Where did all the hours go? But with every second I've spent alone I found a piece of me I didn't know I'm very very done With 2020 I'm ready for 2021 I'm done

I hope you enjoy this raw version of the track, we can’t wait to build it up into a big proper pop song later in the year!

It’s great to be back writing music again and I’m excited to see what seeds will start to bloom in 2021… Take care everyone and will post more soon!