Becky Jerams

Songwriter. Singer. Author.

Get To Heaven - Out Now!

My new country track "Get To Heaven" is out now on all major streaming platforms - please do give it a listen (or even a cheeky little share if you're feeling generous!)

This is a song about regret. It was actually based on the father character in one of my YA novels - a one hit wonder who is clinging to past glories and messing up his relationship with his teenage daughter in the process. But also, I guess it's more than a character in a book. It's reflective of this period of my life in general. Getting older, feeling a little wistful, a little lost and like time is simply passing too quickly.

I hope people will connect with it and that if you're also feeling this way, it makes you a little less alone with those feelings.

Thank you so much to Mayfield Records for helping to bring this track to life for me - I can’t wait to hear what people think!